Her Big Day

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family


and after!

She did great, and gets to enjoy this “brace face” for the next 18 or so months. We’re doling out the Motrin on schedule and she’s eating just soft foods today. The next few days could be interesting!

** no word on Lainey yet. We’re doing what we do best. Waiting.

8 Responses to “Her Big Day”

  1. carrie Says:

    looks great-keep up the motrin. I had braces twice.once in high school and then in my late twentys.just checking to see if you got any calls on Lainey!we are still praying for you! -Carrie

  2. amyschristopher Says:

    Whata beautiful smile

  3. GramStegall Says:

    Abbey has always had such a beautiful smile and this will only enhance what she already had. Hopefully it won’t hurt her for too much longer. Tell her that Gram will say a special prayer for her, okay??

  4. Askews Says:

    The braces look GREAT! I am praying Abbey will not be affected by it too much and that she gets used to them quickly!

    From a fellow braces wearer :)

  5. radicchi Says:

    I feel for her. I experienced the joy of braces myself!

    She looks cute!

  6. Angie Says:

    She is still smiling…that’s a good sign! Good luck with your braces Abbey! Eighteen months will be over before you know it!

  7. Janet T. Says:

    Abbey is so gorgeous, how does she manage to look THAT good with braces on! She looks just as good, if not cuter!!!!

    Sarah may be getting braces soon, too. “Brace” yourself. (har har- I am soooo funny.)

  8. fourgrands Says:

    You’re looking good there, Abbey Girl!! It’s MAGIC..the photos are the same except…no braces and alakazam…braces!!! I remember when you guys were here for Labor Day and we were at Golden Corral…Abbey told me about getting braces again and she seemed very excited about it! We’re proud of you, Abbey and you look GREAT in your braces!! (No more gummy bears for awhile!!) Love you guys…Granma and Granpa

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