Our Stowaway

Author: donna  |  Category: Visitors

Did I mention in my last post that we decided to bring a little of Florida back with us? The boys friend, Nate, hitched a ride back to NC and spent this last week with us. Lainey and Dylan were almost more excited than the boys were – Nate LOVES our littles and showers them with tons of attention and love. He’ll make a great daddy one day.

What did we spend our week doing? Lots of boating…





Played some games (Kylie, Marley’s friend, was with us that day)


The boys played a fair amount (ha) of computer and video games. They also kayaked, fished off the dock, rode bikes, laid in the hammock, played football, and ate an enormous amount of food. Nate eats about twice what our boys do. Easily.

Nate joined us when we went bowling with our new homeschool co-op, went with the kids to youth group Wednesday night, and finished off his week getting no sleep at ALL at a middle school Lock In last night.


Did you have tons of fun, Nate?


Lining them up for a few last pictures proves to be harder than I thought.






Gals (aren’t they pretty?)


Everyone but Abbey. She slept over at a friend’s house last night.


One last hug before heading to the Lock In.

Glad you could hang out with us, Nate! See you on our next trip to FL.

5 Responses to “Our Stowaway”

  1. Sharron K Says:

    Donna, I don’t know if you remember me but I contacted you about adoption when you lived in Florida. We live in Florida and when I emailed you about 3 years ago we were just beginning our China adoption journey. We found our daughter recently and are updating our paper work and hope to travel in March to bring her home. She has a repaired CL and will be 2 later this month. I would love to get your advice about parenting an adopted toddler as well as any insight on CL you can share. My email address is sharronk@me.com. Thanks so much! I love your blog by the way! Sharron

  2. Vicky Says:

    Oh…Lainey looks like she is about to cry hugging Nate in that last picture. What a wonderful week of friendship and memories! Just love the girsl picture, they are pretty!

  3. Mom West Says:

    We thought about you guys entertaining Nate all week and just KNEW it was going to be an awesome week!!! Like Vicy said…a wonderful week of memories! Sounds like you covered it ALL with the activities!! You guys had a really good summer with so much going on!! More memories!! Nate, I’m sure you’ll be missed plenty next week!!

    We’re so glad that our grandkids have such an enormous amount of friends here and in Florida! You just cannot beat friendship!! Hope Randy & the boys have a safe trip back home to NC. I guess school will be starting pretty soon, huh? Love to all of you ~

  4. Gram Says:

    Loved the pictures of the kids having such a great time. I was wondering how Nate was getting back home?? This summer has flown by and I think you all spent most of it in the water !!

    Hope everything is going good in your preparations for school.

    love you all….

  5. kristin Says:

    Ok, enough with the boating pictures. Summer is officially over at the Ferguson household since school started back TODAY! ack! However, I’m sure we’ll head up to the lake and take some water pictures ourselves in the next few weekends (now that the boat is fixed). hahahaha

    Squeeze what you can out of the summer before it’s over for the Clark’s as well!

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