Teenager Explosion

Author: donna  |  Category: birthday, Ethan, Marley, Payton

Before, they were just kids.

Now, they’re teenagers. Unfortunately, that word “teenager” can be viewed negatively these days. We prefer to think of Marley, Payton, and Ethan as entering young adulthood. Which, I honestly can’t get my head around.

Has it really been that long since they looked like this?

1 month

Care to guess who is who??

trips in pool

Can you stand the cuteness?!

trips 8

And, today…


Marley becomes more like me everyday. People even say she looks like me. Lover of all animals, rider of horses. Requests regular late night talks with mom. Sweet and quiet, but can be grouchy. (you know it’s true, Marley!)


Giving their best teenager glare

Payton? He’s my height. Already has his own cartoon character (you’ll be seeing Harry the Stick Dude in print one of these days), is learning to play the drums, and has a heart for others.


Ethan desperately wants a growth spurt. He has a style all his own – shaggy hair, shaken just right. Skinny black (never blue) jeans, loafers, and plaid fedora hat. Musician is written all over him. And, he’s good.


All those years ago…coming home from the ultrasound that showed we were expecting three babies. We were so blessed. Given the privilege of carrying those three babies was awesome. I remember Sundays at church, when we would sing “I sing for joy at the work of your hands”…those words made me smile and cry, all at the same time.

How could we have imagined what they’d be like today? 13 and they are such wonderful kids. Such different personalities, and different likes/dislikes. We thought we were blessed back then? We had no idea.

Their day was fairly normal at first, since it was a work day for Randy. I did make them cinnamon rolls for breakfast, of course. When present time rolled around, Marley went first.


Abbey gave her a birds coloring book (the kind for big kids), and we gave her a tee shirt and Toms. Which means I got a new pair, since we wear the same size. Yippee.


Abbey gave the boys coon skin hats (they loved), and we gave them a dad/son day at the shooting range. They’re at the age where anything involving fire or shooting things is cause for excitement.


As a gift to all, they got a new pair of skis and a new knee board. Marley has really been wanting to learn to ski, and we only had adult size. These are junior size. And, our kids are all doing so well on our current knee board, this one will allow them to do more tricks. Everyone was excited over these!


After much discussion, we decided to head to Outb*ck for dinner. Given it was a Thursday night, it wasn’t busy and we got right in.


Big dishes of ice cream with cookies, and the standard quick clapping birthday song.


We were the last to leave. lol…


Another triplet pose…gosh, I like this one.


Heading home for cupcakes…



Directing our rendition of happy birthday…


Make a wish!

And now, it’s true. We really have the Bigs and Littles. I can now say they are the Teens and the Kids.

7 Responses to “Teenager Explosion”

  1. Mom West Says:

    I don’t have to “guess” who is who in the adorable “New born” photo. Each photo I see of them I “know” who is who. (L to R: Ethan, Marley & Payton!)

    This has got to be one of your best blogs with awesome photos. Love the one of “Ethan desperately wants a growth spurt”…the look on Payton’s face is so funny and cute!!! Like how you went down “Memory Lane” with the pictures…and yes, I can stand the “cuteness” of them at the pool (love that!!)

    Like I mentioned on Facebook, it’s hard to believe it’s been 13 years since we laid eyes on those 3 tiny beautiful faces at Duke Hospital. What a day to remember…it’s not everyone who can say they have triplet grandchildren. We are so proud to show their pictures and “brag” a little. Thank you Lord for our wonderful triplets!!! Love you guys!!!

  2. Vicky Says:

    I haven’t been following your blog that long, and I didn’t realize you had triples! Wow! You are amazing! Love reading about your three. From afar, they seem so responsible and caring! Of course, that reflects on MOM and DAD! Thanks for sharing their story! Happy Birthday to Ethan, Marley and Payton!

  3. Sherri Says:

    I would like to wish the triples a very Happy 13th Birthday!! Awesome photos…too. I will say, I use to follow your blog a long time ago, and after I found you once again – I didn’t realize you where the one with the triples. I’m happy to be following you once again.

    I love the story and thanks so much for sharing, they are beautiful TEENS!!

  4. Aunt Mary Says:

    The picture just above “Heading home for cupcakes” makes me want to cry and rejoice. It is sad that Dylan wasn’t born with two normal legs (cry) but his adoption has given him a chance to actually walk (rejoice). He must be getting around pretty good without help now. God is good.

    Happy Birthday to all 5 birthday kids. I’m sure you all are partied out by now. Thanks for sharing their birthday celebrations with us.

    Love to all.

  5. Kristin Says:

    Happy, happy birthday to your three! What a great post. Love seeing the three as babies….and grown up.

  6. Gram Says:

    Loved, loved loved the trip down memory lane ! I also remember the excitement I felt when you all came to my office and told me you were going to have triplets. I also remember the “scares” we had along the way as you carried these precious ones and how Randy would reward you each week with ice cream. Seeing one newborn grandchild is so amazing… seeing 3 at one time is unbelievable!

    Yes, each one of the triplets is unique with their own personalities, but they do have a bond that is also unique. Your assessment of “who” they are is spot on, but my Marley could “never” be grouchy. LOL

    The picture of Dylan walking to the van could be sad because it does show he has only one leg, but he is WALKING and for that I praise God and thank Him. To see all of you at a restaurant is a testament to how these children (Tony’s too) have been raised. You all can carry 6 kids to restaurants and they know how to behave and other parents have problems with 1 or 2.

    I just know that I am one of the most blessed grandmothers in the world !!

  7. quinn Says:

    Your family is glorious. Let’s talk. quinn@quinncummings.com

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