Last official day of summer…

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

You’ll never know how many tries it took to get THIS picture.

We begin school on Monday, so today was our last totally free summer day. It was great …they played, rode bikes, we went to TCBY for frozen yogurt (yum!!), and then they had fun swimming in our really WARM pool (bath water, at this point in the summer!). We homeschool, so we have the luxury of choosing to begin school gradually. We’ll start math on Monday, with language arts added on Thursday, and all the other subjects added in on the following Monday.

Marley gets the royal treatment, with 2 human floaties!

In case you were wondering, here’s Ethan. He had already been swimming once today, and sat this one out. Yes, it’s hot here, but the boy likes long pants. Notice the big scrape on his chin? That’s the result of Tuesday’s “let’s dive in the pool head first” trick. With no hands to break his descent, he scraped his shoulder and chin. Lesson learned.

It’s been a nice, relaxing week. A little harder than usual, though, because Randy has been in Las Vegas since early Tuesday morning. His flight gets in late tonight, and we’re all excited to have him home.

4 Responses to “Last official day of summer…”

  1. Janet T. Says:

    Your kids are the greatest! They look like so much fun!!!!! Sarah has written another letter to Marley. SHould be in the mail next week….:-)

    Glad Randy is coming home soon. It’s not nice to have hubby gone for a long time……:-(

  2. fourgrands Says:

    What a cute “Totem Pole” in the water, with the 4th one missing (Ethan!). Yep, Marley does look like a royal queen in the water with her 2 servants carrying her! Well, it’s like we’ve all said for a long time…Ethan is like his dad doing tricks and getting hurt! Hope it gets better soon, Ethan! I guess it’s been a nice summer for you guys…from all of your pictures we’ve seen, it looks like you all had a GREAT summer and stayed very busy! Oh well, all good things must come to an end…back to the books! Good luck and we hope our smart grandkids do well in the 6th and 4th grades…wow, you guys are just growing too fast!!! We can’t wait to see you all in less than 2 weeks!!! Love ya, Granma & Granpa

  3. amyschristopher Says:

    How fun! What wonderful memories are being made..Love the homeschooling thing. I hope I can do it someday!

  4. Lisa Says:

    So much fun right before the beginning of school. Wonder what we will do Tuesday to mark the end of the summer????

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