highlights of our homeschool conference…

Author: donna  |  Category: Homeschool

having parents that will take time to watch the littles, so we could take the bigs with us.  their willingness to bring  those littles back to us later, so they could enjoy some of the conference with us.

listening to God-gifted speakers, as they share what’s on their hearts for all us homeschool moms and dads, and teens.  being encouraged to continue doing what we do, always with God’s grace.

having a husband get just as excited as I do, as we plan our next year’s schooling.


finding a way to cart around all those book fair finds.



and, having fun filling it up.

running into lots of old friends, some we’ve not seen in years.

seeing new friends that we’ve made this past year.  last year at conference, we didn’t know a soul.

watching our kids (well, at least some of them) find new books to read this summer.




taking time to find some fun things for them, as well.  (the slingshot, survival knife, and rainbow light are still up in the sleeping kids bedrooms!)

receiving a handful of brochures that Abbey collected at the college fair.  buying SAT practice manual.  three years to go.

realizing I didn’t get to see or buy all the things we need for next year, because we spent too much time talking to friends.  not regretting that in the least.  being thankful for internet shopping.

letting the bigs go out to dinner with their cousins.  all by themselves.  taking the littles to meet Tony and Dee Dee for dinner….enjoying the food, conversation and laughter.  that glass of wine was nice, too.

somehow timing it just right to avoid the huge downpouring of rain as we walked to the restaurant.

sleeping in the van on the way home.

6 Responses to “highlights of our homeschool conference…”

  1. emily Says:

    where did you find those LEGO bible story books–?? LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we love before the code– plan on ben doing those this fall!

  2. emily Says:

    and love the new header!

  3. donna Says:

    Emily, those are actually DVDs! A homeschooled brother and sister did a stop motion lego movie for a high school project. It turned into another small movie, and then a movie based on the story of Jericho. Your kids would love it! http://www.shatterpointentertainment.com

  4. Gram Says:

    Looks like you did get a great start on the upcoming new year for schooling. I love the cart you took to put stuff in, too.
    Being able to be with Tony and Dee Dee was a blessing too. That is one of the perks of living closer home. Randy and Tony are spending more time together. I have always been blessed that my two sons have always been best friends as well as brothers.
    Just know that what you have been doing has worked great and the changes you wanted to make that will help on any problems will be done.

  5. Mom West Says:

    We had fun keeping the “littles” and they were sooo good for us!! So glad you saw more people at the conference than last year! Looks like this has been a week of “reunions” with friends and family (at Grandmom’s 90th party!!)

    The books look colorful and interesting…I’m sure they’ll love them! The “bigs” going out with their cousins by themselves…how nice and I’ll bet they loved it!

    Looks like Lainey has a kaleidoscope…I love those things…they put together pretty colors and make designs that are beautiful!

    I’m glad you enjoyed that glass of wine…I would love to find one that I would enjoy. All the ones I’ve tasted were bitter. I’d rather have a sweet taste.

    Enjoy your trip to Florida and have a safe one!

  6. Kim Says:


    I loved those lego videos too. We got them. I wanted to tell you that I am Linda Lee Woodard’s cousin on the Woodard side. She has told me that you are related to her on the Ginn side. We are just beginning our homeschool journey and would love to talk sometime.

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