First Prom

Author: donna  |  Category: Abbey


People ask us all the time, when they find out we homeschool…how will we make up for all the things they’ll miss not going to traditional school?  My question back to them is usually – what will they miss?

Case in point.  Abbey went to her first prom last night.  A prom designed especially for homeschooled kids here in the Lake Norman area.  She decided she wanted to go, not having the usual “prom date” and not even sure whether or not she’d know anyone there.  Were YOU that confident at 15?  I know I wasn’t.  Abbey is.  We’re so very thankful.


Did she see people she knew?  Yes, she did.  Did she meet new friends?  Yep.  Did she have fun.  MOST definitely.  Said it was the best dance yet.  (She’s been to 2 other homeschool dances…so far)


Assuming all of our kids make it to at least 2 of their proms in high school, we’re looking at 10 more proms to go.  At least.  Is there a budget category for that?


Love you, Abbey girl…

4 Responses to “First Prom”

  1. Mom West Says:

    She looks breath-taking in that dress!!! AND I totally “lost it” when I saw the last picture of Randy kissing his “baby girl”. It’s so emotional seeing her as a young lady, when it was not long ago that she was a cute little chubby-cheeked toddler calling me “Gwanma” and asking for gummy bears on her ice cream.

    I loved how you described “homeschool kids” and wondering “what will they miss”. As for Abbey, she’s not missing one single thing!!!! She’s about as happy as a 15 year old can get, and this granma & granpa are so proud of her!!! Keep on keepin’ on, Abbey…we love you!!

  2. Kristin Says:

    Beautiful! I’m glad she had a fun time!

  3. Gram Says:

    The dress is so beautiful and I love the color and the way it is cut across the top. It really brings out the color of Abbey’s eyes. You know my thoughts about the glorious benefits of being home schooled already and this prom is just another reason I love how all my grandchildren are being raised.

    Peggy… if you “lost it” when you saw the last picture of Randy with Abbey, you can only imagine what that picture did to (for) my heart. To see my son with his beautiful daughter brought wonderful tears to my heart.

    I feel so blessed that Abbey is as sure of herself as she is and can feel comfortable going into any situation knowing she has God with her. I know that I wasn’t that way at any of my teen years. Randy and Donna can be very proud of this wonderful daughter that God blessed them with.

  4. nana Says:

    She looks beautiful. Glad she is so outgoing.
    She is growing up way to fast to suit her Nana and Pawpaw.

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