
Author: donna  |  Category: Random thoughts

So, I googled Val Kilmer today.

He used to be THAT actor for me.  Well, one of them.  Kiefer Sutherland was on the list, too.  You know, the actors that you thought were “cute”.  Most of my friends swooned over Tom Cruise….he seemed too full of himself (still is, I believe).

I was commenting on a friend’s FB question (fav actors and their movies) – and I couldn’t remember the name of one of his films I like (Real Genius) and a current picture of Val popped on the screen.

Guess I’ll have to remember the way he used to look.  No offense, but he’s not aging as well as he’d probably like.

It’s interesting how time works…I still feel like that teenager sometimes (no hysterical laughing, please).  Hearing my old tunes, 80’s movies, etc.  Then, it takes me by surprise when I see how we’ve all aged on the outside.  Oh well…I’ll look forward to heaven, when we’ll all look however God chooses and we won’t care about it one bit.

Hope you enjoyed my little Saturday morning observation.

One Response to “Shocker”

  1. GramStegall Says:

    Whenever I look in a mirror I think I must know how Val Kilmer feels. LOL As for Tom Cruise and him not being one of your favorites, Randy was told as a senior (dressed up in a tux) in high school that he looked like Tom Cruise. That too has changed a little.

    I personally had my favorites like Sean Connery and Sam Elliot (love his voice) and Paul Newman w/ those gorgeous eyes. Robert Redford wasn’t too bad either.

    This is how I personally feel… my birth certificate says I am 66, my legs say I am 86 and my heart says I am 46. Once I get to Heaven all I will feel is WONDERFUL !

    Enjoyed your Saturday morning observations…

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