
Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

From here to… (Ethan, Marley, Payton)

…to here! (Marley, Payton, and Ethan)

9 years ago today, three preemie babies entered the world and our lives! Today is the boy’s party…Randy and their Paw Paw took them and 4 of their friends out on our ski boat, for tubing and kneeboarding. Perfect day, it’s sunny and HOT. Next Friday, Marley has her tropical paradise theme sleepover party. I guess it was easier when I could just have ONE party!

God sure surprised Randy and I when he changed our idea of “one more baby” into a three-pack. It was a busy, and sometimes rough ride in the beginning, but we can’t imagine our lives without these children.

I’ll be adding pictures of their parties later on!

8 Responses to “07/07/07”

  1. amyschristopher Says:

    Precious pics.Ive been reading for a while, but just now have been able to comment!

    Will keep reading!

    Stay positive!

  2. fourgrands Says:

    Awwww, how adorable they were as babies…and how pretty and handsome they are NOW!! What a great picture, and yes, please save us a print! What a co-incidence, I was looking at that “preemie” picture the other day as I was cleaning and I still am in “awe” of it!!! Are they beautiful kids, or what??!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Marley, Payton and Ethan…you’re awesome, smart, witty, georgeous…well, Marley is…handsome (the boys!) well-mannered, adorable, loving, funny, talented, and WE LOVE YOU more than words can say!! Granma and Granpa

  3. KimnWy Says:

    Happy Birthday Marley, Payton and Ethan! Hope you all have a great day and wonderful parties :-)

    Thanks for sharing the pictures Donna!


  4. Angie Says:

    Happy Birthday Marley, Ethan and Payton!! I hope you all have a great day! I can’t wait to see pictures from your parties…they sound so fun!


  5. EliseLiptack Says:

    They are so adorable…as babies and as big kids! Have a great couple of parties!!!!

  6. Janet T. Says:

    Happy Birthday to your darlings! They are all so cute! Can’t wait to hear how the partying went….Mom is gonna be one TIRED lady…..:-)

  7. GramStegall Says:

    I will never forget that rainy cold day you came to my office to tell me you were having triplets. I think I yelled loud enough for the entire building to hear me. I also remember you bringing them to my work so that I could “show” them off to everybody. They were wonderful then and even more so now. PaPaul and I both feel very blessed and thankful that they are our grandkids. Happy Birthday to my “Southern Belle”, my “clown” and my “thinker”

  8. Lisa Says:

    Happy birthday! They were so tiny and now look at them! Hope the parties go well!


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