3 Months!

Author: donna  |  Category: Dylan, Gotcha anniversary


Well, technically his Gotcha day with us was on the 29th, but since there IS no 29th of February this year, the 28th will have to do :)

Our man has been with us for 3 months.  Feels like 3 years in some ways, and 3 weeks in others.  It’s all good, he’s a sweetheart – giggle box – funny faces – kinda kid.  In other words, he fits right in with the rest of us.

He’s still a little guy…holding steady at 27 pounds.  I’m not worried yet, he’s eating much better these days.  But, he’s really only gained maybe a pound or two since China.

What’s new with Dylan?

BIG BOY PANTS.  As of early this month, he’s only in diapers/pull ups at bedtime.  Accidents during the day?  NONE.  Not one.  And, he’s recently been going all by himself with only a bit of supervision.


Speaking of that, his middle name lately is INDEPENDENT.  He wants to do it all.  “I wanna do it” is a common phrase.

He’s also been in his OWN BED since mid month.  Randy encouraged (read “pushed”) me to try it and it was easy-peasy.  One of us sits on his bed until he drifts off and then we leave.  Sleeps all night, no problems.  Lainey is our light sleeper and Dylan sleeps like a rock.  So, she doesn’t normally wake him when she’s up and getting dressed.

Let’s see, what else…

Language.  Mandarin is slowly being pushed aside and replaced with English.  We knew it would happen, and it’s obviously a good thing.  A little sad at the same time – we’ll get them both in Mandarin classes when they’re older.

Please humor me as I share some favorite words/phrases.  He doesn’t pronounce these all correctly, but it’s what he’s saying!

“little bit” (as in, he’ll have a “little bit” of meat)

“full tummy” (we’ve encouraged him to eat more by praising him when he eats well and has a full tummy – so he tells us “full tummy” when he wants to eat it ALL)

“one more time” (as in he wants to jump off the potty “one more time”!)

“all done”

“that’s mine” (he says this one A LOT)

“you do it” (as in, you take a bite of that, not me!)

“match!” (as in the red on my shirt and the red truck MATCH!”

heavy = “hebby”

potty = “bolly”

dirty = “dirly”

flower = “balower”

banana = “beenana”

birdie = “birly”

Lainey = “lammy”

Daddy = “dally”


Dylan, you are our little rock star!

** Added on the next day – wouldn’t you know it?  The night after I write that he NEVER wakes up during the night, he wakes up THREE times. Not sure why, but he was very upset and Randy and I took turns lying with him until he fell back asleep.  The 3rd time, I assured him that we were in the next room and he had to sleep in “Dylan’s room”.  He cried, but not for very long and went back to sleep till late morning.  I guess we’ll see what tonight brings.

4 Responses to “3 Months!”

  1. Katherin Says:

    Oh my goodness! He’s so cute! Sounds like he’s having trouble with his “r” sound, though! God bless.

  2. fourgrands Says:

    A giggle box, that’s for sure!! Dylan has the sweetest personality…and yes, he’s getting very independent!! No doubt that he fits in with all of you…just like Lainey, he was meant to live in the Clark household!! One more thing I’d like to add ~ he can play so well by himself and it was fun just sitting back and watching him!! Can’t believe it’s been 3 months already…Dylan, you are growing up too fast already…just like your siblings!! WE LOVE YOU, little guy!!! <3

  3. GramStegall Says:

    Loved the update and especially the words that Dylan is using. In another 3 months his vocabulary will be amazing. I think it may be that in the “Clark” household, you better learn quick how to speak up or you won’t be heard. LOL

    It is hard to believe that it has been 3 months already, but it seems much longer than that since I was there taking care of all the others. I can’t wait to see him again… along with all of you.

    Dylan is a real cutie !!

  4. karmen65 Says:

    Dylan is a little rock star! What a beautiful little boy inside and out! God has blessed you and him — by bringing him into your family. I always love reading your blog. It inspires me and it’s just fun to see your children growing up. So when are you going for adopted child #3? LOL

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