2 Months!

Author: donna  |  Category: Dylan

Today marks 2 months since Dylan joined our family!  What have we learned so far about our little man? 

We learned that he’s willing to risk bodily injury by copying his little sister.  Hence, the broken leg.  But, that’s all behind him now since he’s cast free and happy as can be!  I’m not sure who enjoyed his first bath in almost a month more – him or me! 



Dylan’s favorite things to do these days are draw with the dry erase board, blow bubbles, and match colors.  He loves to find things with matching colors! 


He loves to show us his belly and yell BELLY!  We praise him when he eats well, telling him he’s got a full tummy.  He grins.  He’s not gained any weight lately, still holding at 27 pounds.  The pants in the above shot?  18 month size.  And, they were roomy.  He’s 3 1/2 – the boy needs some pudge!  I’m adding vanilla instant breakfast powder to his milk.

Holding food in his mouth has all but disappeared, but he’ll sometimes still refuse to eat a bite of something.  We can usually encourage him to try.  And, he eats much more on his own now.  Last night, he was chowing on chips and salsa :) 


You’ve heard of a “sweet” and “salty” tooth, right?  He’s got both.  In spades.  Not sure if he’s like that because he didn’t have many treats in China, or because maybe he had too many?  Probably the latter, thinking of how many birthday cakes came through that orphanage! 


He loves his siblings.  Insists on hugs and kisses from each one before he goes to bed.  Lainey loves him tons, as long as he’s not taking her stuff.  She’s learning to deal with it and we’re being as patient as possible…usually. 


What else?  He learned he can roll his tongue and shows us constantly.  He’s calling Randy either “baba” or “dally” – trying to say daddy, we think.  He calls Lainey “Lammy”, which we think is too cute.  Water is “woggy” and he’s learning to say “up please mama” instead of whining for me to pick him up.  He rushes to find the duck in the Usborn*e books we read at night.  Everytime, he says “anudda one!”  He loves for us to spin him around and around when we hold him.  Daddy is better at this, mama gets dizzy!   He holds his little hands together and (usually) closes his eyes when we pray.

In these 2 months, we’ve learned that life is much more fun with him here!

4 Responses to “2 Months!”

  1. GramStegall Says:

    I knew I needed to check your website one more time before I go to bed. I can’t believe it has already been 2 months, but so much has happened in those 2 months !!

    Dylan looks like he loves the bubble bath and the cookie. He will start to gain weight soon and begin to catch up to his desired weight for his age. He is learning so much and it just shows that he is so smart. I love “anudda one” !! Is Dylan using the dry erase board I gave Lainey???

    I think that Dylan folding his hands together in prayer just shows that God wanted him in your family so that he would have the chance of being a Christian and being so loved. I can’t wait to see him again. If I were there, I would give him a hug and kiss before he went to bed, too.

  2. radicchi Says:

    So sweet. It is a beautiful thing to see him doing so well. What an incredible family you are. :)

  3. kpfarf@nc.rr.com Says:

    What a difference two months makes…in both of you. I can ‘hear’ much more settledness in your words. I’m thankful you are adjusting to being a Mom of 6! You go girl!!!

  4. fourgrands Says:

    Oh yeah, I could almost feel that warm “bubbly” water in the tub…and what a cute picture of him smiling!! Wow, it’s amazing how much he’s learned and is continuing to learn since you guys entered that room in China on “Gotcha Day”!! Like I said about Lainey years ago…he also was meant to be in the Clark family!! He just looks so content and happy…what more could we ask for?!!!

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