Cast off

Author: donna  |  Category: Dylan

No, I’m not talking about that old sweater in the back of my closet I no longer wear.  Dylan got his CAST off today!  Okay, I tried to make a joke. 


Seriously, though.  Marley…


and Lainey accompanied me and Dylan to his appointment today.  I assumed they’d x-ray his leg before deciding to remove the cast…just in case.  I was thrilled to hear that they had no doubts.  It was completely healed and it was coming off!  

Marley was kind enough to take pictures of the whole process, since I was up on the table with Dylan resting against me. 


Don’t worry, Dylan isn’t foaming at the mouth.  Barclay, the child life specialist, was blowing bubbles to distract him.  The cast cutter was very loud (think dental drill) and we weren’t sure whether or not it would scare him.  It didn’t.  He wasn’t exactly happy the whole time, but he was calm – I think he went to his happy place, wherever that is.  She said it’s more the norm for kids to scream through the whole process.  She was impressed with our little man’s courage.  By the way, Barclay was there during the casting process, too.  If I ever need a scary hospital procedure done, I want her there with me, too. 


The nurse went completely down the leg side of the cast.  Then down the inside of the leg, and then down the waist section on the right.  Once all was cut, it was time for the…


spreaders!  She cracked the cast open along each cut line. 


And, then cut through all the cotton and inner plastic lining. 


Lifting him up, they slid out the bottom part and then lifted off the top part.  Voila, leg!  It didn’t look nearly as awful as I was told it would.  The skin was very dry, especially his “knee” area.  Dylan uses that area of his little leg to walk, so it gets used like a foot and has a thick callous on it.  His other knee looks the same, though not as bad.  They took him to x-ray and it showed lots of bone growth around the break – they were satisfied and will see him again in 2 months for another x-ray. 


He was a happy boy to say goodbye to the cast and everyone involved!  Well, actually we brought the cast home.  They tore out all the (yucky) insides and taped the cast back together.  Maybe it’ll make a nice mobile for his room?  Heh.  And, no I didn’t make him wear the hat, he insisted! 

I’ll try and post pics of the lovely bubble bath that I dumped him in when we arrived home!  He doesn’t seem to be in pain at all, but he is favoring the leg a bit (they said it was normal, his leg has been in that same position for a while and his hip could be sore).  He’s already scooting around the house a bit.  :)  I’m so glad to have this journey over with!  Now, next Monday, we travel to SC for his Shriner’s appt. to discuss his leg and eventual surgery and prosthesis.  The boy can’t catch a break from doctor’s offices!

2 Responses to “Cast off”

  1. GramStegall Says:

    Tell Marley she did a great job taking pictures. I wish I could find “my happy place” a lot of times in dealing with pain. I guess I envy Dylan in a way that he can go to that place. Yet, I can see his trust in all of you growing every day throughout this episode. It should make the Shriners trip and surgery much easier for all of you.

    I know Dylan had to enjoy that bath !! After any surgery I have had, the minute they tell me I can take a shower is “heaven”. Glad that Dylan healed so good too. Yea to having cast off.

    p.s. you may need to keep you day job (as mother, nurse, driver, teacher, cook, maid, etc.) and not go into comedy. LOL

  2. fourgrands Says:

    D-Man!! We are so proud of you for being so brave during that loud procedure!! And Marley, you’re quite the photographer, too! It’s a great story to tell him later on + have the pictures to show! Looking forward to the soapy bath pictures…I’m sure that was worth all of the loud noises he went thru, to soak in a nice warm bath tub for awhile.

    So, he’ll be going to Shriner’s on 1/31. After his cast experience, it shouldn’t be too bad, now that he has trust in you & Baba and he knows you’ll both be right there with him through it all. And then Lainey has her surgery on 2/16. We pray that all goes well with both of these up coming appointments. Way to go, Dylan…”high five”!!!!

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