1 Month!

Author: donna  |  Category: Dylan, Gotcha anniversary


So, Dylan YuHai has been with us for exactly one month, as of today! Here are a few things we’ve learned about him so far…

He loves french fries. I mean LOVES. And, most fruits, hot dogs, fish sticks, yogurt, milk, and muffins.


His expression after his tower fell down!  He says “oh no!” 

He likes having a bedtime routine. Brush teeth, turn on the air filter, TV on FoodNetwork (okay, maybe that’s for me), and, read “Ted in a Red Bed”. Then, he usually crawls around on me until I make him settle down beside me where he eventually nods off. After he’s asleep, he does NOT wake up until morning. Ever. I probably shouldn’t type that outloud.


Busted his lip a little while he was playing….he rarely ever cries when he gets hurt.  Lainey was the same way – never expecting attention means there’s no need to make a fuss.  We’re working hard to love on him so he realizes we’re there for him always. 

He loves to stack things.  I was surprised to see that he can easily connect and stack the Duplo blocks.  The higher the better! 

His meaningful words (at least the ones we understand) are Mama, Baba, all done, hello, bye bye, nyow nyow or nala (what he uses to indicate he needs to go potty), and he knows each siblings name and usually calls them by it.  He’s understanding more and more each day, too.  He still says “where’d it go” – a game we started playing in China when we were looking for a toy or something. 


Loves to rough house with his Baba!


He doesn’t like things hot or cold.  Ice cream?  Hates it.  And, if food is even a little bit hot, he’ll spit it out.  He likes to talk about things being hot (like mama’s tea mug) or cold (like the ice pack I used on his cut lip today). 

He loves to give kisses, both on his own and when we ask.  But, he’s not big into hugging yet – we’re trying to show him :)


First haircut at home!


Favorite toys right now are anything that stacks (did I mention that already?), food/dishes, and trucks.  He enjoys playdough, scribbling, and sticking stickers, too. 

I started using lotions on him, since his skin is dry.  His favorite thing is for me to use them on his knees.  Since they function really as his feet, they take a beating, even under pants.  They’re calloused and very dry, so he loves the special treatment. 

Did he like the snow we had recently?  Uh, NO.  He wouldn’t even touch it on his own!  Not sure we’ll have him on a sled this year, I guess we’ll see. 


Someone thinks he’s handsome!


We think he’s right!  Happy 1 month, Dylan!

7 Responses to “1 Month!”

  1. Linda Lee Says:

    Happy Gotcha’ Anniversary (?month-aversary?)! Anyway, now I know the reason I must have stayed up this late was to see these beautiful pictures before I went to sleep. He just keeps getting more handsome each time I “see” him ~~~ must be all that family love showing. Love to you all, and I’m hoping to see you tomorrow … maybe I’ll be fortunate enough to sneak a hug.

  2. bbmomof2boys Says:

    Hard to believe you have been home a month already! Dylan is a sweetheart.


  3. Derek and Julie Says:

    Great post! Happy 1st month-aversary, Dylan!! You are greatly loved!

  4. GramStegall Says:

    I “may” be a “little” prejudiced, but I think he totally a handsome boy with a killer smile and eyes that light up my heart.

    I can’t believe it has already been a month since “gotcha day” either. I guess it is because so much has been going on with holidays. I can’t wait to see my newest grandchild tonight !!! (and I am praying I get a hug and kiss) I don’t know that he will remember seeing me from China (but maybe??)

    Dylan is learning quickly and seems to trust you all so much already. He is blessed to have the 5 siblings that love him and are so willing to help him with everything. I love his reactions with Randy, too. And Donna I know that you are doing everything “right” in making his belonging to your family great.

    If Dylan doesn’t like anything cold, what does he drink? (milk is cold??) Also, once he goes to sleep, do you now put him into his bed or is that where you read to him, etc.??

    Oh… can’t wait to see ALL of you tonight !! Tell Lainey she will get to see “am” tonight and I need a hug from her.

  5. breadofangels Says:

    it has been a month?! Dylan looks like he is doing so well! Again… he is so darn cute!
    Hope you all are enjoying the snow!

  6. Anne Says:

    Wow, is he a gorgeous little boy. I could repeat everything Ann said but I won’t. WOW. Unbelievable that you guys got two such gorgeous and smart little kids. God is totally behind these adoptions. Love you.

  7. fourgrands Says:

    These are the cutest pictures of him I’ve seen so-far!!! I think Ann expressed her feelings along with mine…He’s amazing how he plays with his toys so well, and already can say his siblings names!! Well, Payton, I found out about a week ago that Dylan is NOT like you…he needs to keep his shoes (shoe) on, where you go barefoot…but, he doesn’t like ice cream for the same reason you don’t like it…too cold!! I’m the same way, I don’t even want my iced tea too cold!!

    We’ll see you guys in about 2 hours for our Christmas-New Year dinner!! Can’t wait to Great Nana’s face when she finally gets to meet Dylan!! Drive safely ~

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