
Author: donna  |  Category: China Travel 2010

What a wonderful word! We pulled in last night at 12:30 after a very long “day” of traveling. Dylan did very well on all the flights, only fussed about having his seat belt fastened. I assumed that would mean he’d dislike his car seat, but he did fine (could be he was too tired to complain!)

After meeting and playing with the kids (he’s already charmed their socks off), we finally got him settled and asleep in our bed by 3am. He does NOT like bedtime…cries whenever he’s put on any bed and cried when he saw his bed/room. I’d love some advice on how to best deal with this. We’re going to take it slow, and let him sleep with us for now. He still cries for a while, even though we’re both there beside him.

We’re estatic to be home, and I’ve been busy today cleaning, unpacking, and re-claiming my house :) I figure keeping busy will help me bust through jet lag, right??

We hope to get all unpacked today, and maybe even shop for a Christmas tree. We’ll see how we do!

8 Responses to “Home”

  1. Abbeygirl Says:

    Hey mom! i got my own account thing so i can leave my own coments =D
    well im soooo glad u guys r home! i missed u guys sooo much! <3 Dylan is amazing and i hope we can post pics on fb soon!
    Welcome Home =) <3

  2. GramStegall Says:

    Okay……… I need a phone call and pictures and all of that stuff that I missed out on by not being there. I told my friends that I felt like I wrote Santa, went to see Santa, told Santa what I wanted, put out milk and cookies for Santa AND then I wasn’t there Christmas morning to see my gifts !! And that is what Dylan is… a gift BUT from God.

    I want to call you all, but am afraid you might be sleeping…. oh well.

  3. Denise Says:

    Welcome home!!! What a wonderful journey you had and I loved following it everyday.Please give Dylan a big hug from his friend Seth.Can not wait to the day they get to see each other again.
    Have a wonderful holiday season!!
    Love,Denise & Family

  4. idratherread Says:

    I love you all so much! Dylan is such a bundle of fun and joy! It is so good to see you again, Mr. Clark!!! Hope we can hang out sometime soon!

  5. kpfarf@nc.rr.com Says:

    Welcome Home Donna, Randy, and Dylan! I got behind on commenting due to a stomach virus. ugh. Take your time. Keep Christmas as simple as possible this year. I PROMISE that NONE of your kids will ever look back on 2010 with regrets of what ‘didn’t’ happen at Christmas.

  6. theleventhals Says:

    So good to be HOME, isn’t it!!! Did you have the sleep issues in China too? We didn’t, but since being home we are dealing with the same thing. Joshua does not like to hear the word “bedtime!” He starts getting uneasy just seeing the other kids getting into bed. He’s been consistently waking up 2-3 times a night…not always fully waking up, but at least crying out in his sleep. It seems like he’s just having dreams, because I can usually settle him back down pretty quickly. We’re switching him to our room for a while to see if that helps. Let me know if anything works for you, and I’ll keep you posted on this end. Enjoy being HOME!

  7. fourgrands Says:

    Even tho’ we didn’t go to China, going from no children to 5 for 10 days made me feel sort of like I had jet lag, especially after not getting to bed till 2 AM on Sunday!! I’m off today due to the snow/sleet, so I thought I’d catch up on computer stuff. I agree with the comment “keep Christmas as simple as possible this year”. I’m TRYIN to catch up on Christmas shopping (only went once and that was in Mooresville) and baking (haven’t done ANY). So we’ll all do what we can and not worry about it…we’ll get thru it on Christmas Eve and day. Having you guys home safe and sound with Dylan is the most important thing this year!!! WELCOME HOME!!

  8. Anne Says:

    He may be OVERTIRED, Donna. If he will nap during the day with the lights on, that may do two things- one, teach him that it’s a safe place and two, get his sleep cycle regulated. I know three is old for naps, but after all he’s been through, he may need them. My kids used to get WIRED if they didn’t nap- which looks like fun but then at bedtime they were too wired to sleep. From Ethan’s description on Facebook of Dylan, ” HE”S CRAZY!” I’d be willing to bed he is overtired. Even rocking with you and Lainey in a darkened room at noon might be soothing to him. Have you considered a white noise machine or some gentle music to play at bedtime that might take his mind off of the terror of it? Or a glowworm? They make those lullaby things that play pretty patterns on the ceiling while playing music- perhaps that would make bedtime less scary? TRY EVERYTHING. Find something he really LOVES and incorporate THAT into bedtime. Praying as I do daily.

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