we take a lot of pictures

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

My kids have been in cheer / basketball camp this week, so I’ve had an unusual amount of time to MYSELF. I’m in major spring cleaning mode right now. Actually, I should call it ”throwing and giving away” mode. Goodwill is LOVING me these days. Maybe I’m nesting for Lainey? Those who know me know that I LOVE to organize. Every drawer, closet, bin, and shelf is shaking in it’s boots!

Anyway…one of my big projects has been going through all of our photos. Good gracious, we have SO many! Boxes and boxes of (mostly organized) snapshots! Folders of years worth of studio photo sessions! Ziplocks full of photos with the scary label “Miscellaneous”. After a lot of work, I’m happy to say that I’ve tamed the beast! I’ve gone through everything, and organized those that needed it…filled one big album with the misc….seperated the photo session pics into folders for each kid…and all of our current pics are in the most current album. Boy, that feels good. Now, should I tackle the garage or the hall closet?

The first picture is of the girls, right after gymnastics where their coach surprised everyone with face painting. Abbey is a tiger, Marley a butterfly!

The second picture is the boys, posing with their Red Sox baseball trophies. I had to take FIVE pictures of them before I got one without them laughing, moving, or making funny faces. Don’t worry, I’ll save them all!

2 Responses to “we take a lot of pictures”

  1. Janet T. Says:

    I have WAAAY too many pictures, too! Those ones are great!

  2. EliseLiptack Says:

    What gorgeous kiddos! Love the face paint, my girls used to do that all the time.

    Spring cleaning sounds great…I wish I had the time, you want to come for a visit?

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