Dec. 4 – Guangzhou

Author: Donna  |  Category: China Travel 2010


We arrived in Guangzhou last night, around 8:30. 16 families with new-to-us Chinese babies/toddlers on one airplane. The businessman behind us must have thought he landed in some alter-universe. heh heh…

After the long process of baggage claim, boarding the buses, and driving to the hotel, we landed in our room around 11ish and were finally in our (hard!) bed after midnight. The last leg of our journey.


Today’s first order of business was taking pictures for the kids Visas (yes, the photographer had to tell Dylan to put his peace signs down!) – then our big group headed to the clinic for examinations.


The waiting room. It’s loud, crowded, chaotic. The children have to go through 3 stations – ENT, medical evaluation, and height/weight. Those children over age 2 also must have their TB test.


As usual, Dylan was wide-open playful and playing to the crowd :)


I look very annoyed. I wasn’t. Dylan cooperated very well, letting them do what they needed to.


Dylan had to strip down to his birthday suit for his exam…this is Randy’s upside shot of him enjoying the freedom.


However, the fun soon ended when this mean lady in white stuck a needle under his skin and squeezed. Not a happy boy! He goes back to the clinic on Monday to have the TB test evaluated. Assuming it’s negative (which it should be…he had an initial TB test done about a month ago which was clear), we’re good to go. If it did show up positive, he’d have a chest x-ray.


After clinic, we picked up lunch at the deli and ate in the room. This is one of our views – 15th floor.


He approves.


Here in Guangzhou on the island, there are tons of shops that cater to adoptive families. There are LOTS of traveling families here right now, we almost outnumber the locals it seems! An online friend of mine, Amy (who runs the Henan charity on my sidebar by the way) recommended we stop by Susan’s Place to shop and have tea. As soon as we entered, Dong invited us to sit and have traditional tea with him. It was fascinating to watch him make it and explain the “rules” (only 1 kind of tea per pot – otherwise the flavors mix) and his english is good enough that we were able to have a wonderful conversation with him…we discussed religion, politics, children, US and China economies, etc. It was fantastic. And, the black tea was my favorite. He used a brick of tea that was 5 years old…the older the tea, the better the flavor. It had a very earthy taste – he said Chinese NEVER sugar their tea. I had to laugh at that since I certainly DO sugar my tea at home.

We shopped a bit, then rested in our room until it was time to meet the group for dinner at a local Thai restaurant. It was a lovely night that ended with a little more shopping with friends and now we’re in for the night.

We’ll be up early tomorrow for touring – so I’m going to bed! Goodnight from Guangzhou.

5 Responses to “Dec. 4 – Guangzhou”

  1. emily Says:

    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thank you for the picture of Dong!!!! so good to see him– tell him Emily and Jim Adcox say HI!!!! love to send business his way– use him for laundry– they will pick up and deliver to your hotel room! did you try the ginseng tea??? i bought chops from him– also– they sell chinese/english books with CDs written in PinYin– classics Chinese fairy tales– also books on confucious– ask him about that– he is big on the old ways:)

    and don’t forget Jordan– he’s wonderful as well:)

    love guangzhou!!!

  2. jmulva3 Says:

    LOve all the pics-so excited to get back there with our kids!!

    Dylan is so photogenic! That upside down pic is precious!!

    Looking forward to seeing him with all your children!!

    Blessings to all of you!

  3. karmen65 Says:

    I just love seeing all the pictures and seeing China through your eyes. What an awesome journey you guys are on! Dylan looks like an AMAZING little boy!!!!

  4. theleventhals Says:

    Yep, we just missed you! We headed out that morning, 6:30 am! Can’t believe you are already in Guangzhou…and can’t believe we are already home! So crazy and went by so quick! Just think a week earlier and you would have had to get vaccines too! Enjoy your week…you’ll be home before you know it!!!

  5. GramStegall Says:

    I am like so many others in that I enjoy taking this journey and seeing it all through your eyes. Just think a week from today you will be back home !! I know that you and Randy can’t wait for that day and seeing all the kids here and having Dylan be with them. Dylan has such an amazing smile and seems to have a little michieviousness in him too. This will work good in your family especially with Randy.

    Guess what??? It snowed here for several hours today !! Our grass, drive and decks are covered in snow !! So pretty and peaceful looking. Not enough for snow cream though :(

    love you all

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