2 leave, 6 arrive

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

Our Eastern Tent Caterpillars (smuggled out of NC 3 weeks ago…) emerged from their cocoons today and we released them in the front yard. I wonder if they were confused, waking up in Florida? Aren’t they cute?!

Caterpillar wrangler (see it sitting on her hand)

Fuzzy little fellow

I mentioned that we had 6 new arrivals, right? The kids scooped up 6 tadpoles from our backyard pond and they’re now living on our patio table. You can see two of them in this picture. We’ll have tiny frogs soon…check back for pictures!

3 Responses to “2 leave, 6 arrive”

  1. Janet T. Says:

    Your household looks like mine…always a new science experiment on the go…..

  2. Anne Says:

    It’s TADPOLE TIME AGAIN- YIPPEEEEEEE~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shhh, don’t tell Jules. Heavens- just what we need- another container with critters in it.

  3. fourgrands Says:

    The Clark house is slowly turning into a “critter” museum!! Looks like they’re having fun! NC has missed those caterpillars you guys smuggled into Florida!! (HA!) Looking forward to pictures of new little froggies! Love, Granma

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