CCAI June-July Secret Pal!

Author: Donna  |  Category: Adoption

The theme for March’s gift was “Clothes” and Lainey got some really great ones! An adorable 2 piece skort/top, cute PJs, and the prettiest white sweater! Honestly, these are clothes I would have picked out myself, and they’re all in size 24 months…a safe guess for clothes that either will fit her when we receive her or that she can grow into! Oh, and she always spoils my kids with candy. They REALLY love you! And, chocolate for me? You DO know me. Thank you, SP!

5 Responses to “CCAI June-July Secret Pal!”

  1. Janet T. Says:

    Those are some niiiiice gifts!Chocolate for you too? Wowsers. You hit the jackpot with that one….:-) They are clothes I would pick too!

  2. jaynang Says:

    Cute things for your Lainey! Love the name!! Glad your following our journey. We’ll be following yours too!

    waiting for Laney

  3. EliseLiptack Says:

    Fun stuff from your pally!!! Loved the pool and monkey pics. I am so jealous…..I really think I need to move south;)

  4. fourgrands Says:

    Wow, it’s like having a birthday party with gifts for Lainey! The outfits and pj’s and white sweater are so pretty! Carrot candy for the kids?! And, oh yes, CHOCOLATE for you! I think loving chocolate is every other generation in our family…my mom loves it, I like it “ok”…my favorite is Hershey Kisses(!) and I know you love it!! So now I know what a good size to buy for her…24 months! It’s been so tempting to buy a cute outfit, especially at Target!! You’re really lucky to have such a thoughtful SP!! Love, Mom

  5. SonyaHodge Says:


    Lost my pass word and just got back on!!! I have been keeping up with EVERY post!!!


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