Early birthday present

Author: Donna  |  Category: Lainey

Lainey has been asking for quite some time (with encouragement from her siblings) to have her ears pierced.  Since Marley was 4 when she had hers done, I wanted to wait till Lainey’s birthday.  Well, we were at the mall last Friday and figured a week early would work :) 

We told her it would hurt a little, so she was aware.  She said “okay” without any obvious concern. 

Waiting…Payton let her watch a cartoon for distraction. 

We went to one place, and there was another little girl having hers done.  The kids said “Quick!  Get her out of here so she doesn’t hear that girl scream!!”.  The lady working there didn’t give me warm fuzzies anyway, so we found another place. 

Randy held her hands, while I manned the camera.  This was maybe a second before the dreaded “ka-click” sound. 

Did she scream?  Cry?  Whimper?  No.  Nothing.  The girl didn’t blink.  Didn’t flinch.  Randy said her hands didn’t even jump as he held them.  She’s a rock, our Lainey. 

As hard as I campaigned for the little diamond-like ones, she chose the blue :)

Sparkly blue earrings AND a lollipop?  Does it get better? 

Admiring her new look. 

We did have some drama the NEXT day.  We were sitting down to lunch after church and Lainey came up to me.  She motioned to her right ear and there was NO earring.  Yikes!  We did a quick search and found it.  Then, spent the next 15 years minutes trying to get it put back in.  It would go in about 3/4 of the way and then didn’t budge.  We called the store and they said to aim it at the back hole (which was extremely hard to see!) and push fairly hard.  So, after Randy and I each took turns trying, Randy managed to get it through.  There were definite tears this time around, but she was so brave to let us work on her so long. 

One part was funny, though.  I’m in desperate need of an appointment with an eye doctor.  My close up vision is quickly going down hill, so when it was my turn, Randy stuck his reading glasses on me!  Ah, growing older is such fun. 

Happy almost 4th birthday, Lainey Q!

5 Responses to “Early birthday present”

  1. fourgrands Says:

    What a trooper! (Seems like I’ve said this before when it comes to our Lainey Q.!!) Love the close-up photo of her with her sparkly blue earring on!) Sounds like for a little while, you’ll be paranoid about her earrings coming out…hopefully it will be just that one incident!

    Now, about your close-up vision…”Dr. Tony, where are you????!!” Welcome to our world…trying to read small print from phone books, newspapers, etc. (There’s a name for it but my mind is blank right now…senior moment!!) We love our “no-line” bifocals…it would be almost impossible to read without them…and I know how much you love to read!

    Yes, Happy (almost) 4th birthday, Lainey Q from Granma & Granpa…you are totally adorable with your new blue sparkly earrings!!! Love ya!!

  2. fourgrands Says:

    I thought of the name…Presbyopia!! Dont’ you just hate it when you can’t think of a word??! By the way, Lainey’s shirt is so cute on her!!

  3. kpfarf@nc.rr.com Says:

    Happy “early” Birthday, Lainey! I really want to get Josi’s and Nadia’s ears pierced but don’t want to go through the drama with Josi. Maybe Lainey can pierce my girls’ ears for me? ha ha

    Yep! Reading glasses. Bought them 2 yrs. ago!


  4. GramStegall Says:

    Love Lainey’s new earrings, but had to cringe reading about your having to put them back in the next day. I am one of the few people that didn’t “breeze” through having their ears pierced. I was in my 30’s at the time and had one ear get very infected from a defective post that Penney’s put in. I swore I would never ever have any more piercing done. I am glad that I did get my ears done as I love my earrings and hated the clip-on type.

    I can recommend a really good eye doctor. Just don’t expect any sympathy from him when you start crying over your eyes getting older. Tony says I will have to have cataract surgery on both mine soon….. (first of year if I can put up with not being able to read anything on TV until then.)

    Love to all of you…

  5. Anne Says:

    Dang that girl is a brave little thing. Saw it in the pool and the earring thing blows my mind. No drama queen here, girl. Love you

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