
Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

My mind is full these days.  Full of big things and little things…

The annoying way the washer and dryer hookups are backwards, which makes doing laundry a pain.  Thinking of my grandmother’s possible last days in a hospital in NJ.  The huge task of finding our doctors, therapists, horse riding trainers, homeschool groups, etc. etc. in a brand new town where we know no one.  How DO you homeschool high school??  What is Dylan doing right now?  Missing someone we don’t even know yet.  Thinking of the repairs going on at the FL house.  Will it sell?  When?  Finding our new church home…and friends for us and our kids who miss their FL friends terribly.  Randy making his way in a brand new job, with lots riding on it.  The pressure he undoubtedly feels. 

In the midst of this season, full of all these big and little things, I know that God is closer than ever…walking with us, guiding our path, our steps.  Giving us a peace that the bumps will smooth out according to His will in our lives.  I believe that because it’s true.

7 Responses to “Full”

  1. radicchi Says:

    You have so much going on. Love your faith. I’ll say a prayer now for open doors and new connections.

  2. bbmomof2boys Says:

    I glad you are enjoying NC. I live about an hour east of Raleigh. I’ve read your blog for a bit but never commented. Maybe we can get together so our girls can play? My blog is http://www.journeytoourlittleone.blogspot.com and you can contact me at wickscster@gmail.com


  3. nanaclark17 Says:

    What a good picture, Did you take it? You all have a lot on your plate right now but it is just a season. It too will pass. Get the faith.
    Love Nana

  4. fourgrands Says:

    Oh my. When I have a lot of things going on, I write them down, just exactly like you did, and somehow that helps. Of course, prayer can help always.

    I can help make that list a little lighter. Peggy Anne called and said that Grandmom B. had just got back from having the feeding tube put in and she was looking AND feeling better!! Her color is better, her eyes are open wider, she’s talking, and she asked Judy “WHERE have you been?” I think that’s funny!! Thanks to many prayers, I never thought this would be possible, as when we left her room on Monday, she was so sick and couldn’t stay awake. (Judy has been there EVERYDAY…that’s why the statement that my mom made was so funny!) They did an acessment of her swallowing, and she did NOT want to cooperate! She’ll start therapy on swallowing very soon…good luck with that..:)

    Will continue to pray for EVERYTHING you mentioned above…and little by little, you’ll see that each thing gets taken care of. Right now it’s just so overwhelming…I understand, I’ve been there. Love you to pieces, Mom

  5. kpfarf@nc.rr.com Says:

    I’m right there with you sista! My list keeps getting longer even though I’m “crossing” things off daily! How does that happen???? I’ll be praying we can both keep our eyes on the cross and not on our lists!!!


  6. GramStegall Says:

    First the picture is beautiful and does remind me to thank God for the beauty he created in birds.

    When Randy first told me that you all were going to move, he said that you and he had made this decision after much prayer and listening for God’s will for your lives. God would not have led you to move if He hadn’t already gone before you to prepare for you.

    Scripture tells us to “trust in the Lord, Delight in the Lord, to commit our ways to the Lord and Rest in the Lord.” If we do these things God promises that we will be fed, He will meet the desires of our hearts. All of your concerns you have given to God, but now comes the hard part for the rest of the scripture says, “and wait patiently for Him.”

    Patience is something that most of us just don’t have and I will be the first to admit that sometimes I don’t. When you first moved to Florida believe me you all felt the way you are feeling now. OVERWHELMED ! So try to just keep trusting in God to “mark off” everything on your lists of worries. He will be right there guiding you and Randy and the kids. It may take awhile before everything is “perfect”, but you will get there.
    Wish that we could do more, but know that we are praying for each of you and for each concern you expressed.

  7. Donna Says:

    Abbey- Mom, u 4got 2 mention tht i was the 1 who took the picture =)

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