Hello North Carolina

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

As of today, we FINALLY have our internet back (woo hoo!), so I thought I’d do a quick post with some pictures of our new place.  We had a few rocky moments during our move…maybe I’ll do a post about the “adventures” of moving? 

Anyway, we’ve been here 4 days and LOVE it.  The area we’re in – Mooresville/Lake Norman – is absolutely wonderful.  We are renting for now, until we sell our home in FL and find the home we might want to buy.  Randy found an amazing home that’s on a cove of Lake Norman.  We feel like we’re on vacation…

Until we look around and see ALL these boxes that need to be unpacked.  Little by little, we’re getting it done.  And, I’m loving my new GPS that allows me to explore our new area without getting hopelessly lost. 

A few shots from our first days…

A view of the back of the house. 

First morning here…Ethan and Marley woke up early to fish.  Ethan caught a catfish (since then, they’ve each caught more of those, plus brim).  They throw them back in :)

Looking down the cove.

On the second day, they decided to take a swim. 

Goofy boys.

Lainey and I just enjoyed the sun and the view. 

Abbey decided she’d stay dry, too. 

Tea party time in Lainey’s room.  She knows she might eventually share it with Dylan (depending on the timing of our travel), and it’s causing her to ask about WHEN he’s coming home a lot.  It’s hard to explain the long process of adoption to a little one. 

We see this bluebird everyday…beautiful!  Abbey took this picture. 

Marley and Ethan were back out this morning to fish (yes, in their PJs).  I looked out the window and saw two families of geese swimming by.  So, of course I ran down with bread and the camera.  8 babies total, flanked by their respective parents.  The dads were hissing at us! 

A little while later, Abbey got this shot (along with about a zillion others…she loves to take pictures)

In a nutshell, we love this place.  We miss our friends.  But, we know we’re where we’re supposed to be.

10 Responses to “Hello North Carolina”

  1. Melinda Says:

    It does look like you could be on vacation! It looks beautiful! I am so glad to hear everyone is settling in and enjoying their new home! Continued prayers for a smooth transition.

  2. fourgrands Says:

    When Kathy & I got there on Saturday, I just couldn’t believe how BEAUTIFUL the area is, especially your “backyard”!! It’s not just your “normal” backyard…it’s a cove that the kids can swim in, fish, and you can put your boat there…all the “comforts” of HOME…love it!!!

    So glad you guys are settling in so well…each day more and more boxes will be emptied and you’ll feel more like you’re HOME!! The BEST part is that you’re no longer 7+ miles away from family!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)

  3. GramStegall Says:

    Been waiting on me some pictures of you and your new home… and I wasn’t disappointed. Being on the lake and in such beautiful surroundings has to help take away a little of the “sting” of moving. I know you hope to find somewhere permanent that will be equally as beautiful as this place is.

    Marley was sold on moving here as soon as she saw the baby ducks ! And Ethan with the fishing. You and Abbey were sold w/ having shopping and stores all around you. As for Lainey, Payton and Randy… as long as they are with family, it don’t take much to make them happy and they just go with the flow.

    Now that NC has welcomed you with all this rain, hopefully you got a lot of boxes unpacked.. enjoy and post more pictures.

  4. Linda Lee Says:

    So happy to see pictures! The “back” of the house looks fantastic!!! It’s been awhile since I was at Lake Norman, so I guess I didn’t realize there were such nice homes there. This looks like a good place to begin to put down roots for your transplanted family.

    Glad to see that Abbey’s photography brings her (and others) such joy.
    Love to you all …

  5. fourgrands Says:

    I forgot to mention Abbey’s photography…the photos of the blue bird and the baby ducks are fantastic, Abbey!! I also love the ones of the boys diving in the lake…funny!! Lainey, you & Mommy look so relaxed on that floating deck..ahhhh! And Marley & Ethan, keep up the good fishing!!!

  6. kpfarf@nc.rr.com Says:

    Welcome back to NC! Your rental house is absolutely gorgeous! Lake Norman is an amazing area so I’m sure your transition will go quite well. Last pictures from FLA I think your kids were in the water so it’s really just geography. :)

    When is your trip to Raleigh to see small group friends???


  7. mom2att Says:

    Hi Donna–your new place is BEAUTIFUL (even if it is temporary) and it looks like the kids are having a blast! Glad to see all is going well–you are missed!

  8. Jasmine Baldwin Says:

    WOW!!! Your house looks AWESOME!!! <3 I hope you guys are liking your new home. :)

  9. theleventhals Says:

    My in-laws are in Matthews, NC…not far from where you are now. We are there 2-3 times a year and will have to connect with you guys next time! Especially if we end up traveling together this time around. Hoping your last doc is authenticated soon…we are in the critical review stage, so we really could be DTC around the same time! Are you taking the whole family again? We’re not sure. Hope you feel settled soon!

  10. Anne Says:

    Love the house- it’s GORGEOUS. Wanna see more pics of the inside, girl. Oh and it’s bream not brim. Sorry, I am a country girl, gotta teach you how to spell the name of the only fish I ever caught as a kid. :) Love ya.

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