Goodbye Florida

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

Today is moving day.  We are very sad to leave this home we’ve had for 5 1/2 years…our life here has been extremely sweet.  But, we know – even when the sadness hits – that God wants this change for our family.  So, we are trusting that He has amazing things for us in NC. 

See you there…

2 Responses to “Goodbye Florida”

  1. Says:

    Praying for your trip Donna!


  2. GramStegall Says:

    This has to be such a “bittersweet” time for all of you. I know how much went into this decision. Everything from prayer, talking to each other, discussing it with family and then more prayer. Your life has been so blessed while in Florida. You all have made so many friends, found the best church ever for you all and especially the kids, a wonderful homeschool co-op and a beautiful family/friend oriented home. Where has the last 5 1/2 years gone? It seems like yesterday.

    NC is waiting for your return. Even though it isn’t completely home, it is so much closer. I know that part of your decision was made because of your parents (me included) and your need to be closer to all of us in the event that you would be needed. I think my being in the hospital in January helped with your decision later. I know how much I appreciate Randy wanting to be closer to me and Peggy and Joe have to be feeling the same way. When we lived in TN, we both knew we just had to move back home to be closer to family.

    Anyway…. Floorida’s loss is definitely our gain !! Love and safety for all of you.

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