Before and After

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

This is what we call our “Front Room”. You’d be standing with your back to our front door if you took this picture. It’s looked like this since we moved here, more than 2 years ago. I love the windows and the view, but I’ve never been quite sure what to do about curtains. Now, see the after picture!

A friend of mine made these for me. I love it, it’s just enough to add color and height without being too “fru-fru” (not a fan of that…). It changes the whole room…though, the picture might not do it justice. Thought I’d share :)

6 Responses to “Before and After”

  1. fourgrands Says:

    Wow! I love them!! I wouldn’t have had a clue about what kind of curtains to put there, but these really look great! It dresses it up just right, especially since it’s the first thing you see when you come in the front door. It’s kind of difficult to see the colors…looks like a reddish orange with dark green.
    They put a whole new look to the “sitting room”. Mom

  2. Janet T. Says:

    I LOVE them! They are just the thing! I love your house too, it looks fabulous!

  3. Donna Says:

    Mom – Thought I’d clarify the panels! They’re actually a vertical stripe, in a dark red, gold, and several shades of green. The bottom portion matches the darker green shade in the panel. Glad you like them. You’ll see them in person in just a couple of weeks!

  4. kelly Says:

    They look great! Isn’t it amazing what a little color can do!

  5. EliseLiptack Says:

    Those look gorgeous!!! We have been in our house two years now and still no window treatments! You inpired me!!!

  6. jessica Says:

    They look awesome! Can you come to my house and help me with curtains? :-)

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